Low-carbon street lighting being rolled out across Cambridgeshire

Low-carbon street lighting being rolled out across Cambridgeshire

Newer, more efficient LED (light emitting diode) streetlights are being installed over the summer across Cambridgeshire.

The new LED lights are expected to cut energy consumption from street lighting by more than half.

Cambridgeshire County Council is responsible for more than 54,000 streetlights across the county, approximately 47,500 of which are eligible for LED replacements under this scheme.

The council is committed to making Cambridgeshire a greener place to live and work. Reducing the existing carbon usage of streetlights is therefore vital to achieving net zero carbon emissions from council assets by 2030.

Energy prices are constantly changing so choosing to invest now to cut carbon emissions through the installation of energy-saving LED lighting will also significantly reduce council spending on streetlighting in the future.

Although the work is due to start this summer it is expected that replacing 47,500 streetlights with LEDs will take two years to complete.

The new and improved Cambridgeshire Online Directory is now live

The new and improved Cambridgeshire Online Directory is now live, bringing you information and the latest events from around the county.

Via the directory you can find locations, opening times and contact details all in one place, for our Libraries, Child and Family Centres, Household Recycling Centres, Schools, and more.

There’s also a ‘What’s On’ calendar, which can be filtered by location, and the ability for you to create your own shortlist – simply browse the directory and build your own personal list of advice, services and activities.

Cambridgeshire Online Directory

Get involved with the Great Big Green Week

Get involved with the Great Big Green Week

The Great Big Green Week is the UK’s biggest celebration of action to tackle climate change and protect nature, taking place in communities nationwide from 8 to 16 June 2024.

This year’s theme is ‘Let’s swap together for good’ focusing on small actions everyone can take to make a difference to help create a better future.

Plant swaps, clothes swishes and foraging lessons are just some of the events planned across the country – find a Great Big Green Week event near you. Are you planning an event? Let us know and you could see it featuring on our county council channels!

Check out resources from our partner Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Recycles (RECAP) to encourage reducing, reusing and recycling.

Training is also available via the Carbon Literacy Project and Great Big Green Week to help you encourage your communities to be more environmentally friendly.

Funding opportunities are also available to help support environmentally sustainable initiatives in your community. Look for future funding opportunities via the Cambridgeshire Community Foundation, Support Cambridgeshire 4 Community, and Great Big Green Week.

Inspiring our adult learners to success

Inspiring our adult learners to success

In a recent learner success story from our adult learning provider Cambridgeshire Skills, we meet Katy Close – who in September will be starting her Level 3 in Childhood Studies at Huntingdon Nursery.

Katy has shared the challenges and lack of confidence she faced before entering adult education and embarking on her learning journey – including juggling being a mum of five children, being severely bullied at school, and facing low self-esteem.

Now, she’s sharing her story to inspire others to consider adult education and explore the range of courses Cambridgeshire Skills have to offer.

Watch Katy’s story here.

For more information, including advice and funding, visit the Cambridgeshire Skills website. Or search and book available courses via our online app.

Second Quality of Life survey launced

Second Quality of Life survey launched

Our second annual countywide survey has launched, as part of a three-year county council led project to understand and track local views about the quality of life in Cambridgeshire.

This year’s survey seeks the feedback of 5,500 residents and will give Councillors and decision makers vital insight when they make business planning decisions. It will also mean we can see how changes to decisions and policies affect people’s views in an annual snapshot of Cambridgeshire.

The 15-minute telephone survey is run by an independent research company, Thinks Insight, and will aim to speak to 1,100 people over the age of 18 living in each of Cambridgeshire’s five district areas.

There is an opportunity for everyone to take part if they want to, with the survey available via the county council’s website.